Q & A: IEP vs. 504 eligibility; IEE


The district recently evaluated my child and determined they were ineligible for special education. I rejected that finding and requested an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). Can I also request a 504 eligibility meeting while the student is undergoing an IEE?


Yes. You can and should request a 504 eligibility meeting. While a 504 is different than an IEP (read more here: IEP vs. 504) it could still provide some accommodations and protection from school discipline. Having a 504 plan doesn’t mean that you agree with the district about special education eligibility (read more here about special education eligibility in Massachusetts). In addition, IEEs, whether based on state or federal law, are not negated by a student also having a 504 plan.

If you are concerned about your child's special education supports and services, contact the Boston area law office of Wong & Boscarine.