Q&A: How Long Can My Child Be On The School Bus?

Question: My child receives transportation services on his IEP. His bus ride takes an hour, sometimes more. It's really hard for him to spend so much time on the bus, and I think it affects his ability to learn when he gets to school. What can I do?

Answer: In Massachusetts, your child can only be on the bus for an hour, unless the IEP Team decides a longer bus ride is ok. 603 CMR 28.05 (8)(a). In your case, it sounds like the length of the bus ride is affecting your child's right to a Free Appropriate Public Education. Notify the school and the bus company (in writing) about your concerns. Keep track of how long your child is on the bus each day. Request an IEP meeting to discuss your son's transportation. If the problem persists, contact a special education lawyer for help.

If you are concerned about your child's special education supports and services, contact the Boston area law office of Wong & Boscarine.